The web address and name of Suhtesepp is used by Ilmandu Old Technology and Sauna Club. Our club’s goal is to enjoy life through the restoration of old technology, and of course, as typical Estonians, we like sauna. Currently we can use the old Volga car, minibus RAF “Puppy” and a rebuilt KAVZ bus as the club’s sauna . We have even put wheels under the bath tub. In a waiting queue for restoration is also a motorcycle M-72. Watch our gallery. And of course, we do not have nothing against renting them out to others because of shared joy is double joy!
Look at the prices here
About Suhtesepp
Man is one of the most social mammalian creatures, who has always regarded good relations with the loved ones very important. Relations should always be kept warm, so one must continually invest in its own time and commitment. In today’s fast pace of life we will come and help you arrange for your loved one a memorable wedding trip, or a romantic drive,…
Ristiku saun
Üks õige saun on ikka puuküttega saun, mida lähemal kodule seda parem. Tallinnas Ristiku ja Timuti tänava nurgal (aadress Ristiku 46/Timuti 15) asuvas rendikorteris olev saun pakub head leili, kus kohti kuni 20-le inimesele, leiliruumi mahub istuma korraga 6-7 inimest. Leilikuumust aitab jahutada külma veega kümblustünn, mis mahutab 4 saunalist. Meil on olemas WIFI, mikrolaineahi,…
Talli peoruumid
Humala mõisa tallihoones asuvad peoruumid on ideaalsed sünnipäevade, pulmade, juubelite firmapidude ja muude sündmuste korraldamiseks kuni 100le inimesele. Asukoht Harku vallas, Humala külas (Vääna ja Keila vahel). Teie käsutuses on 10×31 m suur peosaal, lisaks kolm 50 ruutmeetrist kambrit. Tagame kõik vajaliku parima peo õnnestumiseks alates inventarist ja nõudest lõpetades ruumide ettevalmistamiseni. Peosaal asub teisel…